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Join our email list
About once a month, we send an email to our devoted listeners that features inside information you don’t get on the ‘cast and that we don’t typically share with the public.
What will you get?
- The inside scoop for a fun and hassle-free Newport experience.
- Deals from our sponsors. We’re working on those. Sponsors, we mean. It’s coming. We can feel it!
- An opportunity to be on the show. If you, or someone you know, has an interesting story, we would love to feature it.
- Access to our private , a safe place to speak your mind – respectfully. In a world full of judgment and blame, we think it’s important that our listeners have a place where they can share in our conversations without fear of being shamed or seeming like jerks.
- Caribbean travel that is affordable, and quiet, and gorgeous. Luxury spots without the luxury price tag.
- Tips and advice about what works and what doesn’t work in relationships today. From dating and marriage, to kids and blended families. A series of little known esoteric principles can change your life for the better.
- Buck’s cooking secrets. He’s a master. After owning two restaurants and a catering company, his very simple approach to everyday meals is great for anyone who has neither the time nor the patience to “whip up” amazing things in the kitchen.
- Plus much more as we grow and develop this awesome community of friends who find the whole “adulting” thing kind of arduous.
So, join us. We would love to count you among friends!